The Tadpole Programme: El CUIA and the new paths of internationalization: the UniPD doctorate in alliance with the medical faculties of Argentine universities
April 30, 2024, which will take place at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires (Calle Paraguay 2155, 1er piso, CABA) from 2:00 PM (Argentine time), the…
The Tadpole Programme: An Innovative Project For The Internationalisation Of Higher Education Research
The event will take place over two days, the first in Padua on 24 April and the second in Buenos Aires on 30 April 2024, and aims at presenting the TADPOLE ‘universiTy of pADova Phd…
Paper “Interval estimation in three-class receiver operating characteristic analysis: A fairly general approach based on the empirical likelihood” – Prof. Gianfranco Adimari
📃 The paper titled “Interval estimation in three-class receiver operating characteristic analysis: A fairly general approach based on the empirical likelihood”, to which Professor Gianfranco Adimari, Associate Professor of the…
Paper ‘Likelihood-type confidence regions for optimal sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test’ – Prof. Gianfranco Adimari
📄 An interesting paper titled ‘Likelihood-type confidence regions for optimal sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test’ has been published in the first volume of 2024 of the journal Computational…
Webinar R.I.T.I “Focus sui doac in età pediatrica: dai trials clinici alla real life”
Martedì 12 Marzo 2024, si terrà il Webinar a cura del Registro Italiano Trombosi Infantili a cura della Dott.ssa Laura Banov dal titolo: “Focus sui doac in età pediatrica: dai…