News from the European Health Economics Association
EuHEA Seminar Series online again from next Tuesday, Sep 29 at 1:30pm We are very happy to inform you that the EuHEA Seminar Series will continue this fall on Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30pm (CEST/CET),…
Premio di studio per il Master in “Biostatistica per la ricerca e le pubblicazioni scientifiche” al dottor Michele Villa
Premio di studio UBEP al dr. #MicheleVilla per il project work dal titolo “Incidenza, fattori di rischio e associazione con la sopravvivenza ad 1 anno dello stato confusionale acuto post-operatorio dopo impianto…
Join us at our Summer School event: PhD course in Translational Specialistic Medicine ‘G.B. Morgagni’ “Shaping a World-Class University: BIOSTATISTICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL METHODS” 26-30 September 2022 September 26, 2022 –…
2 open PhD positions at Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia.
Computational Social Science has 2 open PhD positions. One on the topic is related to hate speech and the second on mental health. Please feel free to spread among your…
Volunteers wanted for I.O. Bed / Cercasi volontari per I.O.Bed
I.O.BED project WE researchers of the Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health University of Padua Department cardio Toraco Vascolare Epidemiology and Public Health We are looking for volunteers for…