GEO4H | Geostatistics for Human, Animal and Environmental Health

Geostatistica per la salute dell’uomo, degli animali e dell’ambiente

Second Level Master

Language: Italian

Director: Prof.ssa Dolores Catelan – University of Padova
Deputy Director: Prof. Francesco Pirotti – University of Padova

Objectives: The Master aims to train about the correct use of geo-information and tools for the spatio-temporal analysis of the same. The aim is to analyze and understand the dynamics of phenomena related to human, veterinary and vegetation health, using advanced modeling techniques applied to geospatial data. The Master proposes a didactic offer aimed at training researchers and professionals able to correctly use geospatial information, integrating it with other sources, increasing the descriptive and predictive capacity and the reliability of analysis operations.

Presentation Video:

More information, deadline and submission on: Avvisi di selezione | Università di Padova (

More details and enrolled: GEO4H – Geostatistica per la salute dell’uomo, degli animali e dell’ambiente | Unipd Executive Learning

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