Autore: Staff Ubep
Open PhD position
We welcome applications until May 13th for PhD position in biostatistics and clinical epidemiology at the Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health at Padova University. More information at…
Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on psycological health and nutritional habits in Italy: results from the #PRESTOinsieme study group.
Containment measures (eg, social distancing and a national lockdown) are crucial public health strategies in the fight against COVID-19.1 Even though such actions are essential to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, it…
Sir David Cox Legacy
Sir David Cox has left us an immense heritage with his pioneering work in the field of statistics, both in terms of methods and applied research. Having a special interest…
Winter School 2021: Shaping a World-class University – Seed funding for Digitalization & Innovation
24-28 January 2022 C.E.T. Time The seminar series is open to everyone Register Here Program details January 24 Topic 1: Controversies in Statistical Learning in Clinical Epidemiology Moderator: Dario Gregori,…
Predictive risk stratification in clinical personalized decision making
Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health at Padova University is hosting Predictive risk stratification in clinical personalized decision making. Would you like to attend? The introduction of models for…