Autore: Staff Ubep
2023 Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health School – Journal Club – “A weighted patient network-based framework for predicting chronic diseases using graph neural networks” by Lu & Uddin
The day 6 April 2023, at the 12:30 a.m., will take place the Journal Club on the theme: “A weighted patient network-based framework for predicting chronic diseases using graph neural networks” Presented…
Webinar Martedì 11 Aprile 2023 R.I.T.I. “Cause rare di stroke in età pediatrica e giovanile”
Martedì 11 Aprile 2023, si terrà il Webinar a cura del Registro Italiano Trombosi Infantili sulla tematica “Cause rare di stroke in età pediatrica e giovanile” a cura della Dott.ssa…
2023 Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health School – Journal Club – “A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks” by Sanchez-Lengeling, et al.”
The day 5 April 2023, at the 1:30 p.m., will take place the Journal Club on the theme: “A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks” by Sanchez-Lengeling, et al.” Presented by: Silvano…
2023 Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health School – UBEP Seminar – “The impact of Cutting-Edge Techniques on the Near Future of Biostatistics and Healthcare”
The day 4 April 2023, at the 1:30 p.m., will take place the Seminar on the theme: “The impact of Cutting-Edge Techniques on the Near Future of Biostatistics and Healthcare” Presented by:…
Special Lecture 31 Marzo 2023: “Il ruolo strategico della statistica nel piano di sviluppo clinico di un farmaco”
Venerdì 31 Marzo, dalle ore 13:00 fino alle ore 17:00, presso l’aula Esercitazioni Anatomia Patologica Via Gabelli 61, Padova – si terrà la Special Lecture a cura del Dott. Marco…