MHR | Pharmacoepidemiology and Integrated Care Evaluation

Farmacoepidemiologia e valutazione delle cure integrate

Second Level Master

Language: Italian

Director: Prof.ssa Cristina Canova – University of Padova
Co-Director: Prof. Matteo Franchi – University of Milano-Bicocca

Objectives: The Master aims to provide elements for the planning and implementation of pharmacoepidemiology and integrated care assessment studies using real-world data, obtained from the integration of administrative health flows and clinical registries, and for the critical interpretation of the relevant scientific literature.

Presentation Video:

More information, deadline and submission on: Avvisi di selezione | Università di Padova (

More details and enrolled: MHR – Farmacoepidemiologia e valutazione delle cure integrate | Unipd Executive Learning

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