2023, Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health – Journal Club – “(Tutorial) DoubleML – A state-of-the-art framework for double machine learning in Python and R”
The day 11th July, 2023 at the 1:30 p.m. will take place the Journal Club on the theme: “(Tutorial) DoubleML – A state-of-the-art framework for double machine learning in Python and R”.
Presented by: Dr.ssa Veronica Sciannameo – Centre for Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health (C-BEPH) – Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences – University of Torino, and it will be moderator by Prof.ssa Danila Azzolina – Rtdb in Medical Statistics – Department of Environmental Sciences and Prevention – University of Ferrara.
To register for the seminar, just click on the following link, register through the button “register” and then you will get the link to connect: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/27580c71-ba65-47cb-9803-879d37cec332@bd5051ae-6f73-49ef-8068-9c057c23955a