2023 Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health School – Journal Club – “A weighted patient network-based framework for predicting chronic diseases using graph neural networks” by Lu & Uddin
The day 6 April 2023, at the 12:30 a.m., will take place the Journal Club on the theme: “A weighted patient network-based framework for predicting chronic diseases using graph neural networks”
Presented by: Alessandra Casamento – Postagraduate School – UBEP
Discussion moderator: Ileana Baldi – Associated Professor in Medical Statistics – UNIPD
The seminar will be in presence in Aula Cardiologia – Centro Galluci
Via Giustiniani 2 – Padova, for those unable to attend can follow it online
To register for the seminar, just click on the following link, register through the button “register” and then you will get the link to connect: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/74b060d6-a1f2-433b-a718-99f4d8af8205@bd5051ae-6f73-49ef-8068-9c057c23955a
The Seminar is part of a series of Journal Clubs entitled: “The impact of Cutting-edge Techniques on the near future of Biostatistics and Health”, by the Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Health jointly the Ph.D. Course in Specialized Translational Medicine
“G. B. Morgagni” – Curriculum in “Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology” and the
Postgraduate School in Health Statistics and Biometrics for Doctors and non-Doctors